2020. Gratitude. Possibilities. Dreams. Real Work. Amazing Moments. Staying Awake.
The Bird Watcher, an homage to the happy heart of Christian Cooper. Denise Ward, 2020
This was a year.
Gratitude. I have been blessed with a love that’s lasted 43 years and a son who is wonderful, intelligent and great at making delicious food. I’m lucky to have a gigantic family of siblings, cousins, aunties, in-laws, nieces and nephews, far too many to name. I have friends that are also family that have seen me through this life. And I have made many friends through this WardWorksArt who have nurtured me and kept my creative spirit alive. I love you and thank you for keeping me whole, sane and making art this year.
Possibilities. Dreams. Real Work. My new work, kinetic sculptures aka mobile art has just been a wonder. Many of my kinetic designs are all over the country now and I am so happy to have launched into the next great art movement of this mid century artists’ life. Never too late to begin anything. 2021 will be a year to remember for my work is at an all time high, producing something new everyday. The jewelry is getting into some interesting areas as I read more and want to tell stories in each pair of earrings.
Amazing Moments. The country was finally awakened to the underlined crisis: bigotry, inequalities, greed, hate and intentional institutional injustice. We all became clear on right, wrong and how we will go forward. The young, mothers, women everywhere, Black Americans, and people everywhere were given their voices on all their hope and vision for a better world. We will all have to work very hard to keep this hope alive. Every. Single. Day.
Staying Awake. Jupiter aligning with Saturn set me into motion as well. We are but a brief moment on this little planet in our Milky Way. Rise everyday as if this is that last day, and making it special, making it count. We have lost many to this pandemic, many more will go as this again escalates. Be loving, wear your masks, give to your foodbanks, your shelters, or the food drive at the store. We can all rise if we rise together with a little help to those who need it along the way.
I wish you the best of health, the happiest of hearts, the sweetness of love and a safe, at home, virtual new year.
Love to you my people,
P.S. Send me a line so I know how you are doing. D