2020, Our Year, Our Time - My Simple Idea for Change

March Fo(u)rth, a Women’s Day 2020

This protest is for all women everywhere, a day off from all duties, jobs, responsibility. On March 4, 2020, stay home, relax, cook for yourself, take a walk, read, watch tv, make serious plans, reflect on our time.

 This non-violent protest is simple and clear: no travel involved or money spent, just a day off from all the demands. If we do not stop this running madness of greed, bad manners and bad behavior who will? It may cost you a day’s pay, but if March 4th does wake up the world to the injustices women suffer everyday we can begin a dialogue about how we participate and make things happen everyday.

This non-violent, relaxed protest was inspired by the General Strike in Paris, realizing that people take us for granted until one day we don’t show up; we are what makes the world possible, if we accept injustice, it continues. People take you for granted until you don’t show up. Enough is Enough.

What if women everywhere were to take one day off:   where all females are not available for teaching, hospital work, corporate jobs, hotel cleaners, field workers, all “women’s work”. What would that look like? Imagine your favorite nurse, teacher, mentor, Mom taking the day off, only responsible for themselves. A day at home or the beach,  just breathing and living, and not giving in to the demands of living in  a “man’s world”.  The world really belongs to all of us. 

Enough is Enough. 

Relax and be recognized. Imagine what message this will send to our daughters and sons. Thinking about what we could do if we had a place at the table to air our financial concerns, and our need to be heard and respected. What would you say? What do you need?

I have been marching since the Seventies and although it can be convincing, not everyone can  participate and feel they are being heard. So yes, I believe in marching, but this is simple non-participation, non-violent protest that the housewife, professor, nurse, teacher, doctor, student, all women working everywhere can be part of.


MARCH FORTH! - Denise Ward