July, the Reveal is On!

What a revealing time, July: first tomatoes, garden in bloom and the rush of new work. I am about as hot as July can get. The work is fun and new designs are finally happening. The summer looks good with a few events coming up: hopefully Clucktown Collective shows on the first Saturday in August 7, September 4, October 2. And the weekly markets: Santa Rosa Farmer’s Market at LBC (Luther Burbank Center for the Arts) and occasionally Saturday at Healdsburg Farmers Market.

Lots in the air now. With the lifting of covid restrictions, things are coming to life again. My guy Bob is back playing jazz in many locations. I haven’t made any travel plans so I’m here designing on the deck and loving the cool weather in Petaluma (low 80’s).

News: WardWorksArt is now featured in the Renegade virtual catalog!! How do I say what a great honor this is. I created a bespoke kinetic sculpture series called, My Dreams Of Spain. The series is my reflection on the cities I wanted to visit in 2020. Eight cities are featured here in 24 kinetic designs, with 3 similar designs in 3 different color palettes. 8 x 3 = 24 Working with the group, I created a series of palettes/colorways for Renegade to choose from. The colorways were a new direction, more Mid Century Modern ala 2021. Softer than a Sixties modern, with loads of fun new shapes and a new way to play in kinetic design. It was a bigger project than I’ve ever worked on. 5 weeks of intense design time, rebuilds, and finally completing a wonderful series I am really proud of. These can be purchased through their website: https://www.renegadecraft.com/shop/barcelona-series/

Who is Renegade Craft: Established in Chicago in 2003 and growing through steady, grassroots support, Renegade has become one of the broadest reaching craft showcases in the world. With events in several major cities, a growing online shop, and an expansive artist collective, Renegade is a dynamic platform for artists and shoppers to come together and build community.

Other news while waiting to hear the end of the story: I met a sweet gal in June who spent a while with me in Santa Rosa. She purchased a pair of Kandake earrings and I told her the story of Warrior Queen Kandake, but we drift here.. The young woman is a costume designer in Los Angeles and her company purchased earrings and a few necklaces for a new tv series. Laura has promised to let me know the end of the story, and I’ll let you know what show to watch!

You can find WardWorksArt jewelry at Petaluma Arts Center. For a few more weeks, two kinetic sculptures in the current show at Art Escape in Sonoma. ROOTS // ROUTES, this show runs through July 16.

While I am happy for all the activity, the work and the renewal of things, I think I will keep a few things from 2020. These are things I didn’t know I needed. Taking ten minutes off to watch the trees with breezes blowing through. Watching micro wasps collecting fennel pollen, I needed better focus to see this. Taking the time to reflect, on the day, 20 years ago, a feeling I had as a kid. Sending a quiet wish for some peace for those how are having a hard time finding it.

Love to you, thank you for the times…Denise