A New Year, new work and some down time
As this year begins, I’m spending some down time for a few weeks, just had knee replacement surgery and not doing much but managing my body. There are loads of new earrings as I planned well for this time. The wonderful Bob Johns knows how to get things to the post office, a great guy and fabulous husband. He’s taking real good care of me. There’s more jewelry in the works and will appear when I have gotten back on my feet.
These are trying times and I hope you are all taking January to be good to yourselves, and avoiding too much exposure from the next phase of our covid lifestyle. We are well and cautious and I won’t be going anywhere for January except doctors followup.
This year, I will have many new designs, the Kennedy Center project helped move the shapes into a sleeker style. I still love my stories of the great women, goddesses and warriors.
The kinetic sculptures are going through a renaissance: three new projects for homeowners, a new set of patterns and an art show/talk in February with Illustrative Voices in the South Bay as part of their Black History Month program.
I am wishing you healthier times, much love and hope you take time to make 2022 a great year. I’m working on it. Love to you, Denise