Giving Thanks
Madelon’s Modern Take, 2021, Denise Ward
Aluminum sheet metal, acrylic paint, steel wire. 4’ x 22”
This time of year is a time when we can take a moment and pause, give thanks for all the gifts we have: sunshine, a seasonal change, and moving toward the end of a tremendous year. It was something we will remember for the rest of our lives.
I’m grateful to my family, extended family, my friends old and new. I’m grateful to still be here alive, and loving the small gifts Nature shares with me. I’m grateful to all of you for keeping this little enterprise rolling forward.
This year at WardWorksArt:
An opportunity to record all my work at Petaluma Arts Center and their generous offer for me to talk about my projects and kinetic sculpture designs. Thank you Jonathan Marlow, thank you Carin Jacobs and Andy Sewell, and the crew at The Shop at Petaluma Arts Center.
I made jewelry for an Issa Rae project! What an honor.
All the incredible new friends through my jewelry art sales and the kinetic art: Veri in Alaska, Toni in San Francisco, The Happy Dahlia Farm Family, my peeps at Clucktown Collective (what a great time we had!). It was an extraordinary year in the Time of Covid.
I had the opportunity to sell at the Renegade Craft San Francisco a few weeks back, wowsers, it was a good show. I am also in their virtual catalog,
And thank you the market managers, the show promotors for all you do to keep us rolling along.
I especially want to thank all of you this newsletter is meant for, the many folks who continue to support my endeavors, it helps me keep my art work moving forward and the chance to keep creating, being challenged by the materials, and keeping my brain alive with ideas.
I’m looking forward to next year as it already has a lot going on: knee replacement in early January, grants to write, and lots more adventures I can’t even imagine. I like life, one day at time with the carrot of the future just ahead of me. I don’t know how I’ll get there, but if I can, it could be something special.
Wishing you good health, happy hearts, kindness and warm nights. Denise