A Day is.....
Just spent a day watering the garden.
What a Spring this has been, world out of kilter, emotional feelings, deep soul filling empathic drumming throughout the planet. However, this health phenomenon is affecting everything. The seas, sea creatures, the forests and animals and humans are breathing clearer now for the first time in a long time. Nature abides.
I am so lucky to have friends and family who support this artist and family. My sisters DeeDee and Michelle sent us gifts of delicious foods. My local and far away jewelry friends ordered gift cards and jewelry which this artist will be forever grateful, you’ve held us together through this mad time. Thank you Michelle and thank you DeeDee, best sisters! Thank you Maureen and Brian, Diane W, Diane Z, Susan, Patty, Betty, Judy and Pam, Christine, Theodora, Molly, Love you!
I still look to hear stories from you of how you are doing, what you are doing. I’ve got time these days to chat, email or look at your life through photos on Instagram. Let me know how you are.
My other pursuits during this c-19 time is gardening. I haven’t enjoyed this much hard work in years: rebuilt main flower garden, grew out 9 varieties of tomatoes for family and friends and planted about 50 varieties of flowers and vegetables. I also got into a bit of penpal seed exchange with everyone from old friends from college to the neighbors across the street, what at treat. I’ve felt a little crazy so the best place for me was in the dirt and seeds and colors of summer. I can’t wait to see the flowers in a month or two.
Planting a garden makes you plan for the future, a thing of beauty with infinity attached.
Be Safe, Love Well, Be Kind, Be Beautiful. Denise