Birthdays, Spring, and Hope in These Strange Times
As often, it is the real women in my life that inspire the jewelry I make. These silver slivers are an homage to my friend Krisha, a beautiful intelligent young woman.
Anodized aluminum, brass on niobium ear wires.
2.75” x .75”
Hoping this finds you safe and well, I’m wishing for my birthday this year, some sanity, charity, intelligence and love. Everyday there are amazing stories of hope and am in awe of the resilience and the kindness of humans under the most difficult times we have shared. Yeah, a load of other stuff too, but that’s usual and not worthy of our attention.
I’m fortunate to have loving family and friends, fortunate to have a Bob and Zappa to keep my heart happy and full. Grateful for the sunlight, the weeds, flowers and vegetables growing in the yard. Lucky we have food, roof over our heads, love in our hearts. These days are more precious to me than ever before and each one matters.
I am an artist and I am realizing to get the artwork done. Just finished the pandemic art collection, ‘CURSED BY THE GODS’, five kinetic sculptures in an homage to Greek Tragedy and Stories. Cassandra, Icarus, Sisyphus, Prometheus and “Your Name Here” - as no explanation is needed. I’m back to big color sculptures as well, just finishing one for my longest running friendship with Lilllian Kearney, CERES, Greek goddess Demeter, Ceres was the goddess of the harvest and was credited with teaching humans how to grow, preserve, and prepare grain and corn. Ceres celebrates my seed love and big gardening.
I’m sure this sounds like busy work, but time is forever and always short, and with another birthday just days away, I count my blessings, overlook my shortcomings and get on with it.
The farmers markets are ramping up and I may be back to selling at LBC Farmers Market in Santa Rosa or Healdsburg Farmers Markets very soon. Just waiting to feel safer and hoping the public has their best behavior on safe distancing.
Drop me an email to let me know how you are and how you are spending your days. I’ve got loads of veggie seeds left for your garden, send me an email with an address and they are yours!
Love to you, Denise