The Fall Collection Begins
I thought when I stopped teaching art I would have more time. Ha ha. I’m working everyday now and it still isn’t enough time. The Fall Collection has begun, with a posting of new work every week through the holidays. Did I say Holidays? Well… it’s about 10 weeks away and the fairs and market days are already planned. Just hoping to survive my good intentions. Enjoy the weather, don’t worry about the many things we can’t control, and look for bright days and cool nights, The sky is wonderful this Autumn. Denise
October 12, 19, 26 Santa Rosa Original Farmers Market, Mark West Springs Road, LBC Center Lots, 8:30-1
November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Healdsburg Farmers Market, 8:30 – NOON WEST PLAZA PARKING LOT (behind Bear Republic Brewing Company)
December 1 Windrush Farm 2263 Chileno Valley Rd, Petaluma, CA 94952 10:00-4:00
December 7&8 Handmade Holiday Crafts Fair, Finley Community Center, 2060 W College Avenue, Santa Rosa Saturday, Dec 7, 2019 9am - 5pm Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 10am - 4pm
December 15 Hotel Petaluma Holiday Artisan Craft Boutique 12-4pm
December 14, 21, 28 Santa Rosa Original Farmers Market (address above)
Ganesha in the Forest of Green $28 2.75” x 1”
I ship anywhere in the USA for free. Last day for Christmas and holiday arrivals to be shipped: December 19th!!! Gotta get to some parties, some relaxing and fun.
This season has new colors, shapes, styles and fun stories.